Seeing the world from above seems to be everyone’s favorite way to view beautiful surroundings, and from the love received for each drone shot we share of W.A on Instagram, we wanted to delve into why this revolutionary way of taking beautiful pictures is becoming everyone’s new obsession.
Rarely do we get the opportunity to turn our perspective upside down and with the saturated world of digital media, this new angle creates incredible artistic effects by offering a different perspective of common settings. We get to see our amazing city and state like never before and we can’t get enough! Drone photography really has become the ultimate anti-selfie and we love this selfless expression of creativity trending on social media at the moment.
Part of the appeal of drone photography seems to stem from the fact the stunning images can only be shot with a drone, providing an opportunity to see the world from an angle not easily explored. These unexpected, mesmerising images by drone photographers have now become accessible for all of us to enjoy thanks to social media, and we sure are oohing and ahhing at these stunning aerial landscapes every day in our social feed.
Perspective can make people question what they’re looking at and with so many images and accounts to follow on Instagram, drone images are stopping people from continuously scrolling as they offer a different kind of beauty that we all need in our day. We love seeing all the different interpretations of Perth and surrounds and intend to continue to share our drone love with our followers, so when you see an image that stops you in your tracks – engage and show your love for these beautiful images, as they surely aren’t easy to capture.
If you’re intrigued by the drone craze and interested in drone-inspired digital art, our in-house drone photographer is available to take your content creation and business marketing to the next level.